Laundry Detergents as unhealthy as smoking?

By Ben Knoeck

Some Commercial Laundry Products may contain hundreds to thousands of
dangerous chemicals.

On Wednesday, March 9th I held an Interview with Zorica Denton, the owner of
her own skin care company in Malibu California.

In 2001 Denton fell ill aftercoming into contact with harmful chemicals.

Denton’s company is dedicated to selling natural products made without chemical fillers or artificial fragrances, the same ones that can be found in commercial laundry detergents as well as self care products, air fresheners, and more.

These Dangerous Chemicals can often go overlooked, protected as trade secrets
and allowing companies to get away with putting dangerous ingredients in their

Denton says we can avoid these harmful chemicals by making sure to
check ingredients lists whenever you go shopping.